110 Effective Self Appraisal Comments for Your Performance Review (2024)

Performance reviewsbring more anxiety than joy. Especially during aself-appraisalprocess. An employee’s mind is full ofthingslike:

  • Should I only talk about achievements?
  • Am I bragging too much?
  • Am I being self-critical?
  • and more…

It’s difficult to know what exactly you should write in your assessment about your work.

In this guide, you will see whyself-evaluationis important for your career growth.

Whatcomments for self-appraisal you can use, and how you can write a review during yourself-appraisal process.

What is Self-Appraisal?

Love it or hate it, we are always at the receiving end of some form of judgment.

At work, our boss and colleagues provide their fair share of feedback.

However, sometimes we do not agree with that feedback and want to put forward our side of the story.

It is whereself-appraisalmeaningcomes into play.

It is the process where the employees review their performance. Organizations want to listen to the employees.

They even want toreflect on their productivity from the past performance cycle.

It helps in figuring out the areas of improvement and what results can actually be used during the appraisal process.

Recommended Read:Performance Review and Performance Appraisal

Purpose of Self-Appraisal

Are most employees scared of the process?

Yes, they are,at leastaccording to thisstudy.

While the process may be considered dreadful, the process can do so much good if implemented in the right way.

Here are a few reasons why the self-appraisal process is important and why your organization should have it too.

1. Promotes Accountability

It helps employees take ownership of work.

Now, the employees can’t leave the assessment part to only their bosses.

They have to actively track the impact of their work and show it during the self-appraisal cycle conversations.

Plus, their opinions are valued.

2. Better Work Relationships

When all parties are involved, it leads to stronger relationships in the workplace.

Self-appraisals are a platform to engage in continuous conversation between employees and managers.

As employees have their voices, it reduces the chances of bias and conflict.

3. Two-way Communication

Two-way communication involves active listening.

Generally, managers talk during the appraisal process and do that a lot.

However,self-evaluationmeaningnormalizes the interaction for every employee.

They can talk about strengths and weaknesses.

They have done the work themselves, so they highlight their outputs better than anyone else.

It provides deeper insights and a clear picture of what happened during the performance cycle.

Rewards go to those who deserve them.

4. Motivated Workforce

Employees feel empowered when they are offered trust.

Self-assessmentis a way of telling an employee that ‘we trust your judgment on your work.’

Each employee participates actively in the process.

It is a time to identify motivated employees according to the quality of goals they set and how they were met and assessed.

Eventually, it leads to better output and more employee engagement.

5. Career Growth

When employees assess themselves, they get a clear understanding of their strengths and shortcomings.

All employees have career aspirations.

To reach a certain path, they need improvements and the ability to learn new things.

Here is anexample of self-evaluation for a performance review:

Training needs are identified along with future preferences.

Self-appraisal is a time where employees can tell their bosses about what they want going forward.

How Does Self Appraisal Work?

Employees can use self-appraisal to assess their performance, which can then be compared to the views of managers and peers. Individuals are usually given a form divided into different categories or skills. Some frequent assessment elements include, for example, performance, communication, and organization.

Many people ask how to write favourable feedback without coming across as arrogant. You should not be afraid to remind your manager of your positive attributes or important organizational achievements. At the same time, it is critical to achieve a balance between recognising one’s inadequacies. You are more likely to be offered appropriate further training chances to help enhance your capabilities if you are forthright and open.

Let us see how to write a self appraisal.

How to write Self Appraisal

There is no specificformat for self-appraisal.

This part is specifically for employees who will assess themselves during the process.

Focus on positives and keeping the process straightforward for all stakeholders.

TheSTAR methodis effective when writing self-appraisal.

It involves situation (S), task (T), the action (A) you took, and the results (R) you achieved.

110 Effective Self Appraisal Comments for Your Performance Review (1)

Before you start working on your self-appraisal, do consider the below suggestions

  • If you don’t advocate for yourself, no one else will.
  • State everything objectively and clearly.
  • Do not, but focus on the results you achieved.
  • Talk about where you need improvement.
  • No employee does everything right.
  • Be humble and specific about areas of development.
  • Talk about what you’ve learned during the journey and how that’s helped your career.
  • If you’re talking about weaknesses, please add solutions to show that you feel responsible and want to solve challenges.
  • Pick your words wisely. Include numbers, measurable objectives, and show results.
  • Nobody wants to listen about responsibilities. People want to see outputs.

Self Appraisal Examples

Let us provide you with a self-appraisal example for your team members. Here is an example:

Three years in a row, Roshan Singh*, a senior marketer at an MNC, didn’t achieve the goals he set for himself.

“I was optimistic and set challenging goals for myself,” he says.

His performance evaluation took place against the goals he set, and he struggled.

“Most people just talk about their achievements, but I wanted to talk about the shortcomings too,” headds.

After evaluation, he listed out each goal, explaining which ones weren’t met along with the reason.

Roshan also added goals that were achieved and extra work that he did during the year.

It was risky but integrity mattered more to the guy than anything else.

His boss and department head reviewed theself-appraisal formand felt surprised.

“They were happy that I mentioned my failures along with an improvement plan.

Plus,I had a decent list of achievements as well,” he explains.

Roshan’s calculated yet truthful approach paid off and left a good impression on the stakeholders.

110 Performance-driven Self-Appraisal Comments

We have a list of self-appraisalcommentsto help you out.Theseself-appraisalsamplescan be tweaked as per requirements.

Communication Self Appraisal Comments

  1. I communicate my expectations clearly to all stakeholders.
  2. I maintain contact with department heads and stay an active part of team meetings.
  3. I provide constructive feedback and focus on solving challenges with communication.
  4. I present my ideas in a skillful, effective, and professional manner.
  5. I share relevant information with my team members, so everyone stays on the same page.
  6. I proactively communicate changes with stakeholders the moment they happen.
  7. I provide appreciation publicly for the awesome work my team members do.

    Job Performance Self Appraisal Comments

  8. I love my job and value performing well every day.
  9. I frequently work on solving problems that are not included in job responsibilities but are affecting the team.
  10. I focus on promoting teamwork.
  11. I have exceeded my performance goal (mention goal) by (mention a number in percentage).
  12. I work without bias.
  13. I work on improving my performance every day.
  14. I am always open to questions and helping out my peers.

    Reliability Self Appraisal Comments

  15. I don’t commit more than I can handle at work. And I follow through on whatever I commit to others.
  16. I have met all my major deadlines with tremendous results.
  17. I prioritize my work and focus on the important tasks first.
  18. I keep a check on my team and customers’ needs and plan my schedule accordingly.
  19. I’m punctual and stay active during work hours.
  20. I take guidance whenever necessary to solve problems.
  21. I keep prompt communication involving customers and peers.

    Customer Success Self Appraisal Comments

  22. I effectively handle customer queries.
  23. I use the ‘listen first, suggest later’ approach to better understand our customer’s pain points.
  24. I go above and beyond to help customers get the information or solution they’re looking for.
  25. (mention a number) % customers have given a maximum rating on my customer satisfaction survey.
  26. I continuously strive hard to improve our customers’ experiences.
  27. I always try to understand our customers’ perspectives and give solutions that suit their needs.

    Innovation and Creativity Self Appraisal Comments

  28. I regularly try to find ways to improve our work processes.
  29. I can quickly adapt to newer situations and surroundings.
  30. I approach each challenge with a ‘get this solved’ thinking.
  31. I love to collaborate with others for ideas.
  32. I focus on solutions.
  33. I keep myself in others’ shoes and try to find a solution that suits everyone in the team.
  34. I seek out opportunities to connect and learn from everyone around me.

    Growth and Development Self Appraisal Comments

  35. I set goals that help me grow professionally and personally.
  36. I take care of my development path by upgrading my skills.
  37. I am a self-learner and pick up new skills from people around me.
  38. I find opportunities to connect and learn from other amazing folks in my field.
  39. I have a clear vision for my career and take steps to achieve it.
  40. I learn quickly, and that’s why I adapt to change without any trouble.
  41. I love learning new things. Recently I learned (mention details).

    Performance Improvement Self Appraisal Comments

  42. I have realized that I need to be more transparent with my team members going forward.
  43. I’m good at customer support, but I can improve during follow-ups.
  44. I shy away from difficult conversations as I try to be positive all the time.
  45. My communication with larger groups or projects which involved multiple departments needs improvement.
  46. I follow traditional methods am not always open to new ways of thinking.
  47. I don’t always share ideas during conversations, and it leads to more passive team talks.
  48. I do focus on my teams’ needs. However, I sometimes take leave without informing others on time.
  49. It’s hard to approach me during work hours.
  50. I don’t always ask for help. It sometimes leads to more problems than before.
  51. Although I finish projects on time, I don’t update my skills. Upgrading my knowledge is something I need to do.

    Ownership and Initiative Self Appraisal Comments

  52. I enjoy engaging in tasks and projects beyond my Key Result Areas (KRAs) scope.
  53. I have taken responsibility for at least 40% of the new projects assigned to our team.
  54. I am the team’s pioneer in expressing interest in something fresh.
  55. 15-20% of my time is spent on projects I manage from beginning to end.
  56. Last quarter, after taking ownership of the largest client, I increased sales by 10%.
  57. I avoid taking responsibility and ownership of projects frequently.
  58. I prefer to contribute to projects rather than take responsibility for managing them.
  59. I aim to assume responsibility for at least one new project over the next quarter.
  60. I need help to engage in activities outside my designated responsibilities.
  61. I plan to approach my manager for assistance overcoming my fear of not performing up to expectations when entrusted with responsibility.

    Attendance Self Appraisal Comments

  62. Consistently, I am punctual in arriving at the office.
  63. I attend all scheduled meetings; if I cannot attend, I inform the appropriate individuals beforehand.
  64. One of my core values is considering others’ schedules, and I prioritize beginning and concluding all my meetings punctually.
  65. I schedule my time off in advance and communicate it to my team members.
  66. I refrain from taking any breaks that are not necessary during my working hours.
  67. I aspire to maintain continuous employment and fill in any temporary gaps that may currently exist in my work history.
  68. I intend to plan my vacation days ahead of time.
  69. To avoid meetings lasting longer than necessary, I will plan them ahead of time with a well-defined agenda.
  70. I will follow my break schedule and avoid getting too caught up during my breaks.

    Teamwork Self Appraisal Comments

  71. I will consider various factors and depart from my house earlier to ensure I arrive punctually at my office.
  72. I try to ensure that my team members perform at their highest potential.
  73. I make a point to solicit input from all team members for each project.
  74. I am an active participant in team discussions and brainstorming sessions.
  75. I suggest that the other team members express their viewpoints.
  76. I have a good rapport with almost everyone on the team.
  77. I am struggling to get to know all the team members.
  78. I aim to improve my confidence to feel more comfortable expressing my ideas to my team.
  79. I am working on improving my tendency to overlook the ideas that are shared by others.
  80. My goal is to optimize the impact of delegated tasks by ensuring they are assigned effectively.
  81. I commit to being present at most team meetings and actively engaging in discussions.

    Attention to Detail Self Appraisal Comments

  82. I reviewed my work thoroughly three times before handing it in.
  83. I have a comprehensive list of tasks to ensure nothing is forgotten or overlooked.
  84. The majority of the work I submit contains minimal mistakes.
  85. I am highly committed to ensuring that every project I undertake is delivered with the utmost attention to detail and quality.
  86. My track record demonstrates a commitment to maintaining a high standard of work, with at least 90% of projects consistently meeting that level of quality.
  87. When juggling multiple projects, I often overlook important details.
  88. When pressed for time, I may unintentionally neglect small mistakes.
  89. At times, I find myself lacking in proofreading my work.
  90. I struggle with prioritizing my work effectively, sometimes resulting in errors or mistakes.
  91. I aim to improve my organizational skills in the coming days to ensure I attend to all the necessary tasks and responsibilities.

    Job knowledge Self Appraisal Comments

  92. I have a concise comprehension of my responsibilities and duties within my position.
  93. I comprehend the significance of the contribution that my work can make towards the achievement of the organization’s overall success.
  94. In the previous quarter, I achieved 80% of my OKRs.
  95. I keep myself informed about the most recent developments and knowledge in my area of expertise.
  96. I train and upskill every three months to remain current and competent.
  97. As my job involves multiple responsibilities, I sometimes struggle to comprehend the specific requirements expected of me.
  98. I sometimes find it challenging to articulate to others the nature of my occupation or area of expertise.
  99. I am unsure how to make a meaningful difference within the organization.
  100. My goal for the next quarter is to achieve a minimum of 70% of my OKRs to exceed my job expectations.
  101. At times, I lack the necessary skills for a particular role, and I intend to enrol in courses to address this gap in my knowledge.

    Opportunities for Improvement Self Appraisal Comments

  102. Even though I’m honest, my team doesn’t think I’m honest, so I’ll keep working on it.
  103. I’m good at customer service but must follow up with people more often. I’m working on this all the time.
  104. Even if I only look on the bright side, some people think it’s hard to talk to me, and I want to dispel this idea.
  105. I’m good at talking to people, but I need to improve my public speaking because it’s sometimes hard to talk to a big group.
  106. I sometimes get stuck doing just one task. I need to improve at doing more than one thing at a time.
  107. I have a lot of ideas to share, but sometimes I’m too shy to say them all.
  108. I am aware of my team’s needs, yet I do not always adhere to the work schedule.
  109. Although cheerful, people continue to mistake me for being arrogant and nasty. Even though I respect my peers, I might occasionally appear inaccessible.
  110. Sometimes I forget to investigate and ask for advice, and I continue to work alone; I must improve and become more proactive.

Self-appraisal Template

Here is an example of a template:

Over the past year (or mention any other period), I have been able to accomplish the following goals (Mention numbers and results). These achievements have impacted my work in the following way [provide details). Lastly, there is always scope for improvement (mentions areas of improvement and some solutions you have in mind).


Writingself-evaluations can be difficult. However, with a clear and honest approach, you candoit well and even impress yourboss.

FAQs –

Q1) What do I write in self appraisal?

You should fill in your self-appraisal with an honest and comprehensive evaluation of your performance, highlighting your strengths and areas for improvement and providing specific examples to support your assessment. You can use our self appraisal comments to start self-appraisal.

Q2) What do you write in a self-review?

In a self-review, write about your accomplishments, areas for improvement, and goals for the future.

Q3) How do I write a self appraisal comment for myself?

To write a self-appraisal comment for yourself, focus on highlighting your achievements, areas of improvement, and goals for the future. Be honest, specific, and concise in your self-assessment.

Q4) What is positive self-appraisal?

Positive self-appraisal means positively evaluating oneself by recognizing and appreciating one’s strengths and accomplishments. It can boost self-esteem and motivation but it should be balanced and realistic.

110 Effective Self Appraisal Comments for Your Performance Review (2024)
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