Bourbon Bacon Brittle (2024)

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This bourbon bacon brittle is made with candied bacon, toasted pecans and bourbon. It’s the crunchiest, most delicious brittle you will ever have.

I love love love candied bacon. By itself, in cookies, wrapped around dates, you name it. And then I took it one step further and added bourbon.

It seemed like a good idea (adding bourbon to anything is probably a good idea). So basically, my life is complete.

But, wait! That’s not all. Ya know what I topped it with? Sea salt. Because you can’t have a sweet and savory brittle without a little salt on top (in my world, you can’t have anything without a little salt on top).

Everyone that knows my father knows that his drink of choice is bourbon. Makers Mark to be exact. On the rocks.Once when Chelsea came over, she thought that his glass of bourbon sitting on the counter was co*ke and chugged it.

I cried laughing it was so funny. From that day forward, there was not one glass that I didn’t sniff before I took a swig. Even water. Could be anything…vodka, tequila, gin.

Even if it’s 10 a.m. I don’t risk it.

You may be thinking this candied bacon sounds complicated, but I promise, it’s not! Just throw some bourbon and brown sugar on them, pop them in the oven and wha-la!

The slightly tricky part of this recipe is the actual brittle. The timing of when you pull it off the heat and the amount of time you have to get it spread out makes it challenging. But that’s what makes it fun!

And like 100 times more rewarding when it works.

This recipe is made for sharing. Wrap it up during the holidays and give it as a gift, set it out at parties, share with your friends.

Bourbon Bacon Brittle

Prep: 30 minutes mins

Cook: 35 minutes mins

Total: 1 hour hr 5 minutes mins

Sweet, salty and crunchy, this Bourbon Bacon Brittle is a delicious snack or amazing added to recipes like ice cream and popcorn.

Bourbon Bacon Brittle (5)



Molly Thompson

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Molly Thompson


Candied Bacon

  • 8-12 strips thick cut bacon (Note 1)
  • 3 tablespoons bourbon
  • 3 tablespoons light brown sugar


  • 1 cup (200g) granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup light corn syrup
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2 tablespoons bourbon
  • 1/2 cup chopped pecans
  • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • sea salt for sprinkling


  • Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Line a large baking sheet with foil or a sipat mat.

  • Lay bacon strips on the prepared baking pan. Brush bacon with bourbon and sprinkle with brown sugar on both sides.

  • Bake for 15-20 minutes, until it starts to caramelize and becomes crispy. It will be closer to 15 minutes if your bacon is thinner and closer to 20 minutes if it's thick cut. Cook time will vary depending on how you like your bacon.

  • Allow it to cool slightly and chop the bacon with a knife into small bite size pieces.

  • Spread the pecans on the same baking sheet and lightly toast them in the oven at 400 degrees for 5-7 minutes.

  • Clean the same baking sheet or get a new one and line it with a silpat mat or parchment paper.

  • Make sure you have all the rest of your ingredients measured and ready to pour in the brittle when it gets to the candy stage. You can mix the bourbon, bacon and pecans together to make it easier.

  • In a medium sauce pan, combine the sugar, corn syrup and water over medium heat. Stir constantly until the sugar dissolves and the mixture starts to boil.

  • Continue cooking without stirring, until it reaches 290°F using a candy thermometer. I recommend using one, but if you don't have one, boil until it turns a golden amber color. Once it reaches this temp add the bourbon, bacon and pecans. With heat still on medium, continue to heat and mix, until the mixture reaches 300°F.

  • Immediately remove it from the heat and stir in butter, vanilla, and baking soda until the butter melts and the mixture is combined.

  • Pour mixture onto the prepared baking sheet as quickly and thinly as possible. Use a wooden spoon to spread it into a thin layer.

  • Sprinkle with sea salt right away and cool for at least 20 minutes. Once it set, break into pieces and enjoy!

  • Can be stored in an air tight container for up to a week.

Last step! If you make this, please leave a review letting us know how it was!


Note 1. Bacon. The original recipe called for 12 strips of bacon, but after comments and retesting, you could use less bacon if there's too much or save it for another recipe like pecan shortbread cookies. If you use thick cut bacon it will take longer to cook and become crispy.

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Note: This recipe was tested again and updated so the mixture reaches 310°F.


  1. Bourbon Bacon Brittle (6)
    I just made this one. I noticed it started to get dark before it hit 310, sp I pulled it from the heat and continued with the recipe. Since the candy remained hot, some of my bacon burned. It cracked just fine after 25 minutes of rest on the silpat mat. A couple pieces in the middle are a little chewy, but that’s on me for not getting it quite thin enough. Overall pretty darn tasty.


  2. Bourbon Bacon Brittle (7)
    The flavor is there but it isn’t brittle. I have made lots of brittle over the years but this is chewy. Doesn’t break up like brittle. I don’t know what happened but this is a disappointment 🙁 It’s going in the trash…


  3. Bourbon Bacon Brittle (8)
    The way this recipe is written caused me to toss nearly $30 in ingredients and my favorite saucepan into the trash! I have since consulted with accomplished brittle makers and every single one of them say the bourbon should NEVER be added at such a high temperature – 290 degrees! It turned everything black and burnt the entire disaster – all six smoke alarms went off in my house. Note: I had removed the pan from the heat before adding the pecans, bacon and bourbon as I was already worried. This recipe should be removed and rewritten correctly before others lose costly groceries. More than half of us here have cited the same results, so it’s clearly the recipe that’s at fault.


  4. This stuff is awesome. Its a sweet and savory brittle, excellent.


  5. Bourbon Bacon Brittle (9)
    Just made this! We love it and cannot wait for everyone to try it at Christmas. I seen where people were worried about temp when adding the bacon mix. What I did is wait for it to hit 300 then added it mixed it well. I know that when adding the bacon mix it is gonna drop the temp and if you wait to get to 300 again it will burn. I keep it cooking until I am happy with the colour (while stirring occasionally) then cut the heat added the vanilla and butter until melted then the baking soda last then pouring it on to the tray. After I pour it I never spread brittle with anything. Instead I will slowly and carefully tip the pan to let it spread without knocking out the air.

    My only question is does this need to be refrigerated?


  6. No stars. Mine burnt at 280 and I was supposed to go up to 310? Don’t think so. I read most of the reviews and so only spread my cooked bacon and nuts on sheet and poured over them. But, it was too late, the toffee was burnt and also did not harden to crunchy. I really think if you are considering this recipe, don’t. I wish I would have listened.


  7. Bourbon Bacon Brittle (10)
    Tried to make twice. First time I did not have a candy thermometer so did by looks. Awful. Tasted like burnt bacon. My second attempt was with a candy thermometer. Looks nothing like your picture. Came out black. Very disappointed.


  8. My first attempt was a fail…. more like taffy on the verge of being burnt.
    Not sure I am willing to make another attempt. I also read many of the different comments and suggestions, which I tried. I really am not sure what went wrong.


  9. Bourbon Bacon Brittle (11)
    I cooked the bacon according to directions. I cooked longer than directions stated, & still had to microwave to obtain crunch. Also, the pecans burned after 4 min. so I didn’t roast my pecans. Next time I will change those 2 steps. Turned out ok in the end.


  10. Bourbon Bacon Brittle (12)
    It burns at 310. I wouldnt go higher than 290. What a mess!


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Bourbon Bacon Brittle (2024)
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