Home - pagoPA (2024)

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Per i cittadini

Un sistema semplice e trasparente per i tuoi pagamenti verso le PA

pagoPA è la piattaforma nazionale che ti permette di scegliere, secondo le tue abitudini e preferenze, come pagare tributi, imposte o rette verso la Pubblica Amministrazione e altri soggetti aderenti che forniscono servizi al cittadino.

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Per le Pubbliche Amministrazioni

Un modo più semplice per gestire e rendicontare i pagamenti

pagoPA permette alle Pubbliche Amministrazioni di gestire gli incassi in modo centralizzato, offrendo servizi automatici di rendicontazione e riconciliazione con un significativo risparmio nei costi di gestione.

Per i PSP

Milioni di cittadini e imprese da raggiungere con i tuoi servizi

Con pagoPA, hai un accesso diretto al settore dei pagamenti per i servizi pubblici e puoi promuovere la tua offerta multicanale da un'unica piattaforma, portando valore aggiunto a una vasta platea di nuovi utenti.

I nostri numeri Vedi tutti →

Transazioni pagoPA nel 2024

Controvalore economico


Tasso di crescita vs 2023

Home - pagoPA (2024)


What is PagoPA in Italy? ›

What is PagoPA? PagoPA is the new standard system for making payments to Italian Public Administration bodies via authorised payment points, or PSPs (Prestatori di Servizi di Pagamento - Payment Service Providers).

How do I pay PagoPA online? ›

Click on the button "Paga online con PagoPA". You will be lead to the page to access the service. Follow the instructions to make the payment out. After accessing, select the type of payment that you prefer and follow the instructions to make the on-line payment out.

How does the pagoPA work? ›

With pagoPA, private individuals can make payments to Italian public institutions through participating payment service providers (PSPs), choosing from various payment methods depending on their specific needs.

How do I pay with pagoPA from abroad? ›

ATTENTION: If you're abroad you can't pay through the PagoPA system, in which case you'll have to make a foreign bank transfer using the bank details on the «come e quando pagare» page.

Where can I pay PagoPA? ›

shop, tobacconist's, post office or one of the 400 Prestatori di servizio di pagamento (Payment Service Providers -PSPs) operating throughout Italy. Find a PSP on the PagoPA website (in Italian).

How do I make an online payment? ›

How to Start Accepting Online Payments
  1. Choose a Payment Processing Software. ...
  2. Set up Your Online Storefront. ...
  3. Set up Online Payment Forms. ...
  4. Embed a “Buy Now” Button on Your Website. ...
  5. Add Mobile Payment Processing.

How do I download a receipt from PagoPA? ›

After paying, you can access your receipt with all transaction details in the "Profile" section of the app. Should you wish, you can simply download the receipt by tapping the button at the top right corner of the screen.

What is the payment method in Italy? ›

While cash remains a top payment method in Italy, customers are also embracing new ways to pay like digital wallets, debit cards, and bank transfers. Accepting a variety of payment methods allows you to appeal to audience preferences.

How do I pay a traffic fine in Italy? ›

How to pay Italian fines with the RAV payment. –Download the app EasyPol or check out the website here. -Select “Paga Ora” and click on “MAV and RAV”. Then select “Prosegui” to proceed with the payment.

What is Banco in Italy? ›

Finance) bank. tenere il banco (nei giochi) to be (the) banker.

How do I pay my Sapienza fees? ›

You can pay directly (pagamento diretto) or print a payment slip and pay in a “Ricevitoria SISAL” or any Post Office. Please note: payments for admission tests and for enrolment in degree programmes (also as runners-up or following a transfer) must necessarily be online with direct payment (mode 1).

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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.