Leonardo (Rise of the TMNT) (2024)

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Leonardo (Rise of the TMNT) (1)
Información biográfica

Guardia, alcantarillas, Ciudad de New York, New York, EE.UU., América del Norte, Tierra


Neon Leon, Primetime, Leo, Nardo


Leo, Leon, BlueBaby Blue (por Hypno-Potamus)


Ninjutsu, "poder portal"

Arma(s) de elección

Ōdachi, katanas




Tortugas Ninja

Descripción física

Tortuga deslizante de orejas rojas mutante




5' 5"[1]

Color de bandana


Color de ojos


Información externa al universo

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2018)

Voz por

Ben Schwartz

Jaime Company [2]

Miguel Ángel Leal

Maestros y estudiantes

Todd Capybara


Leonardo es una tortuga deslizante de orejas rojas mutante, siendo el más rebelde y más carismático de las Tortugas Ninja. En Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, él esgrime una espada ōdachi que posee el "poder portal".

  • 1 Apariencia
  • 2 Personalidad
  • 3 Curiosidades
  • 4 Galería
  • 5 Referencias
  • 6 Navegación


Leonardo es una tortuga magra de orejas rojas con piel de color verde lima, un plastrón dorado amarillo mostaza y un caparazón azul verdoso con un brillante diseño verde azulado. Tiene ojos negros, marcas rojas sobre los ojos y los lados de su cara, marcas amarillas en la parte superior de los brazos y los muslos, tres dedos en cada mano y dos dedos en cada pie.

Leo lleva una mascarilla azul sobre sus ojos (con largas colas hasta la espalda media), guantes sin dedos azul marino (con borde azul) que se extienden casi hasta los codos y calcetines a juego que se elevan hasta la mitad de la pantorrilla. También lleva un cinturón azul y una correa sobre su hombro derecho, con bolsas azules en el cinturón y un emblema de Tortuga en la correa.


Leonardo es encantador e inteligente, y posee una calidad alegre que a menudo usa contra enemigos potenciales incluso mientras los combate. Es propenso a hacer bromas, a veces en momentos inapropiados, y a expresar frases que él cree que "encienden el equipo".

A pesar de sus tendencias despreocupadas, es capaz de ser sensible y serio cuando la ocasión lo exige. Cuando lo hace, como en los eventos del episodio 2, usa tanto su carisma como su inteligencia para convencer a sus hermanos para que lo escuchen.

Ha demostrado ser más racional y escéptico, negando la existencia de fantasmas y buscando una respuesta lógica.


  • Él está constantemente tratando de crear frases/lemas para que el grupo las use.
  • A diferencia de otras encarnaciones anteriores, esta versión de Leo es rebelde y se autoproclama la Tortuga Ninja más genial a diferencia de Raph, quien asume el cargo de la Tortuga mayor y el líder del equipo.
  • Leo no se convierte en el líder de las Tortuga Ninja sino hasta la última parte del final de la segunda temporada (episodio "Rise"), una desviación que fue un intento deliberado de los escritores de la serie animada Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles de explorar el personaje de Leo sin un papel de liderazgo.
    • Los escritores de la serie han elaborado que es difícil escribir un personaje como Leonardo, lo que contribuyó a la decisión de modificar en gran medida su personaje para esta versión.[3][4]
  • Las rayas rojas y amarillas de Leo también se encuentran en las tortugas de orejas rojas de la vida real y es parte de donde se origina el nombre de la especie.[5][6]
  • Según un vídeo detrás de escena, el principal defecto de Leo como líder potencial es la falta de madurez, ya que está más interesado en disfrutar la vida,[7] un rasgo que, irónicamente, comparte con la versión de Splinter de esta iteración, y en comparación con Raph, que generalmente es más maduro que Leo en esta iteración.
  • Un gag recurrente con Leo es que se le ve regularmente haciendo dabbing.
  • Como dijo Raph durante el episodio "Bug Busters", cada vez que Leo dice "indudablemente" está tramando algo.
  • Leo tiene interés en el basketball como se ve en los episodios "Hypno! Part Deux" y "Late Fee". Esto se confirma en el episodio "Air Turtle".
  • En la versión original en idioma inglés, se puede escuchar a Leo hablando algunas palabras y frases en español ocasionalmente a lo largo de la serie.
    • Se reveló en diciembre de 2019 en un tweet que esta encarnación de Leo hablando español básico fue ideada por Russ Carney, redactor del personal de la serie.[8]
    • Carney, redactor de la serie animada, reveló en mayo de 2020 en un tweet que Leo aprendió español de la población nuyorriqueña (acrónimo de "neoyorquino" y "puertorriqueño") de la Ciudad de New York.[9]
      • Cuando se le preguntó cómo aprendió Leo español en agosto de 2022, Ron Corcillo, redactor de la serie animada, él respondió: "Las tortugas aprendieron todos sus idiomas de la televisión y las películas, por supuesto. Después de todo, durante mucho tiempo no tuvieron mucha interacción con la gente. Supongo que a Leo le deben haber gustado Univision y Telemundo."[10]
  • Leo ha sido el campeón de los Juegos de Guarida durante cinco años consecutivos.
  • A Leo no le interesa el nombre de equipo "Mad Dogs" sugerido por Raph durante el episodio "Mystic Mayhem", pero no ha hecho un intento serio de cambiarlo.
  • Tanto Leo como Mikey lucen un patrón cuadrado estilizado en sus caparazones, Leo tiene tres y Mikey tiene dos.


  • Leonardo (Rise of the TMNT)/Galería
  • Leonardo (Rise of the TMNT)/Animaciones



Personajes principalesDonatelloLeonardoMichelangeloRaphaelApril O'NeilMayhemMaestro Splinter
AntagonistasBarón Draxum

I'm an enthusiast with a deep understanding of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise, particularly the "Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" series. My knowledge extends to various aspects, including character details, plot elements, and behind-the-scenes information. I can confidently provide insights into the concepts discussed in the provided article.

Leonardo in "Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"

1. Apariencia (Appearance):

  • Leonardo is described as a lean red-eared slider mutant turtle.
  • His distinctive features include lime green skin, a mustard-yellow plastron, and a bluish-green shell with a bright bluish-green design.
  • Noteworthy details include black eyes, red marks around his eyes and sides of his face, yellow marks on his arms and thighs, and three fingers on each hand and two toes on each foot.
  • He sports a blue eye mask with long tails, navy blue fingerless gloves with blue borders, matching socks rising to mid-calf, a blue belt, and a shoulder strap with blue pouches and a Turtle emblem.

2. Personalidad (Personality):

  • Leonardo is characterized as charming, intelligent, and possessing a cheerful quality.
  • He uses humor even during battles against potential enemies and enjoys creating phrases or mottos for the team.
  • While generally carefree, he can be sensitive and serious when needed, using his charisma and intelligence to persuade his brothers.

3. Curiosidades (Trivia):

  • Leonardo is named after the Renaissance Italian master Leonardo da Vinci.
  • His name means "Strong as the Lion/Audacity of the Lion" in Italian.
  • Unlike previous incarnations, this version of Leo is rebellious and self-proclaims as the coolest Ninja Turtle.
  • Leo becomes the leader later in the series, deviating from the traditional leadership role.
  • A recurring gag involves Leo dabbing, and he is known for saying "indubitably" when plotting something.
  • Leo has an interest in basketball, as shown in various episodes.

4. Galería (Gallery):

  • The article mentions a gallery related to Leonardo in the "Rise of the TMNT" series.

5. Referencias (References):

  • The article provides links to references, including Leonardo's height confirmation from an Instagram post and voice actors for different regions.


With this detailed analysis, it's evident that Leonardo in "Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" is portrayed as a unique and multifaceted character, deviating from traditional interpretations. His appearance, personality traits, and background information contribute to the depth of his character in this particular series.

Leonardo (Rise of the TMNT) (2024)


Why is Leo not the leader in Rise of the TMNT? ›

According to a behind the scenes video, Leo has the smarts to be the teams leader, but he doesn't quite have the maturity yet because he's more interested in just enjoying life and being a teenager. It is possible that this could foreshadow one of the major changes hinted prior to the series' premiere.

Who is Leo's crush in TMNT? ›

All four turtle ninjas are enamored with four different female characters (Leo has a secret crush on Karai, Donnie harbors an innocent crush on April, Raph is smitten with Mona Lisa and Mikey is in love with Renet).

How old is Leo in the Rottmnt movie? ›

Leonardo (voiced by Ben Schwartz) – A 14-15-year-old (16-17 in the movie) Red-eared slider, and the team's current leader as of the Season 2 finale. He is known as the trickster of the group and thinks that his one-liners will "fire up the team", but is shown to have actual encouraging charisma.

Is Leonardo stronger than Raph? ›

Leonardo literally admits that Raphael is the strongest member of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but even if he didn't say it, it's a bit obvious that he always felt that way. Leonardo and Raphael are always butting heads, as Raph's hot-headedness clashes with Leo's rigid and structured way of thinking.

Who is the weakest in TMNT? ›

Each turtle has their own unique personality and strengths, making it difficult to determine which one could be considered the "weakest link." However, if we were to analyze their physical abilities and combat skills, it could be argued that Michelangelo may be the weakest link.

Why is Raph so big? ›

In this iteration, Raph is an alligator snapping turtle, known in real-life as being not only the largest species of snapping turtle, but also the largest species of freshwater turtle in North America, hence his large figure.

Who has a crush on April in Rottmnt? ›

Donnie has a HUGE crush on April and fell in love with her at first sight. Donnie is also the one that instigated the rescue of April and father from the Kraang and who saved her from the Kraang's getaway copter at the end of the episode Rise Of The Turtles.

Did Karai kiss Leo? ›

Once Leo looked at Karai, Karai kissed him on the lips at first surprising Leo, but he returned it.

Who does Raphael have a crush on? ›

He later said to Leonardo he had a thing for Pimiko, and like Donatello with Baxter's help in ridding him of cyborg parts, Raphael kept his crush on Pimiko a secret.

Does Raph care about Leo? ›

Arguably, Raph might be the closest to Leo. They do love each other, but never seem to make an effort to show it. Raph and Leo seem to be very close and they'll always have each other's back.

Does Leo date Karai? ›

Shippers enjoyed their relationship, until the season 1 finale revealed that Karai was actually Splinter's daughter, making her and Leo adoptive siblings. Fans who enjoyed the ship in previous versions were upset that the 2012 writers turned them into relatives, as no other version had done this.

Does Leo have PTSD TMNT? ›

For the first half of the fourth season, Leonardo develops Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) when he becomes mentally damaged and hot headed because of the turtles final fight with the Shredder. He believes he wasn't good enough a leader to save his family without the Utroms rescuing them.

Why does Raph call Leo fearless? ›

And he likes to be the one on the team who is not afraid of anything. That's why Raph refers to him as "Fearless Leader" sometimes. Leo is very protective of his younger siblings and doesn't want anything to happen to them.

Can Leo beat shredder? ›

S5 Leo is the the most skilled of the turtles since hes basically the sensei after Splinter's death, and is capable of taking on all of shredders henchmen. He was also able to take down Super Shredder.

Why is Raph angry? ›

Since Raph had to look out for himself during his formative years, he usually goes off by himself whenever he's stressed, overwhelmed, or has a problem he needs to solve. This also explains his short temper, and his near-constant internal rage.

Who is the leader in rise of the TMNT? ›

Raphael Is The Leader In The New RISE OF THE TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES Cartoon From Nickelodeon.

Who is the leader in Rise of the TMNT movie? ›

Giving Leonardo his traditional role as leader of the Turtles was something that had been planned since the series' inception. Suriano knew the film would be their chance to properly conclude the storyline. In the series, Raphael is the leader of the Turtles, as he is the oldest.

Why is Raphael the leader in Rottmnt? ›

According to Rise of the TMNT executive producer Andy Suriano in a behind the scenes video, the reason that Raph is the leader of the Mad Dogs is because he is the oldest. This is also iterated by April in the Junior Novel Ninja Power, stating, "Because [Raph's] the biggest and the oldest, he's the leader."

Is Leonardo the leader of the Ninja Turtles? ›

Leonardo is the leader and strategist of the turtles. He's traditionally portrayed as the most mature and disciplined of the Turtles, displaying a stoic demeanor and a strong sense of responsibility. Like his brothers, he is named after an Italian Renaissance artist, in this case Leonardo da Vinci.

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.