Possible way for User Installation? (2024)

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  • S


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    is there any way to install/update Notepad++ only for the current active user without Elevation/UAC Prompt?
    The user should’nt need admin rights for the installation and auto-updates.

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    • A

      Alan Kilborn @Sebastian

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      @Sebastian said in Possible way for User Installation?:

      The user should’nt need admin rights for the installation and auto-updates.

      That seems like your opinion.
      If you are in a corporate environment, the administrators of your networking may (and probably do) disagree.

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      • @Sebastian-Urhausen ,

        If the program is installed in the Program Files hierarchy in Windows, then Windows is in charge of deciding whether or not it needs Elevation/UAC Prompt.

        1. If you disable UAC Prompt in Windows, it should stop pestering you about it. But if you leave UAC enabled in Windows, then Windows will prompt you during installation or upgrade.

        2. If you have the ability to change the permissions of the C:\Program Files\Notepad++ (or equivalent) folder using Windows Explorer Right Click > Properties > Security, and you Edit either the “Users” entry to allow Full Control, or Add your user with Full Control. After that, Windows shouldn’t ask about UAC anymore when editing that folder.

        But both options I presented assume you have control of your system. As Alan said, if you are behind corporate IT, whether or not they allow such changes is up to them, not to us.

        But in the end, it’s Windows settings which control this, not Notepad++ itself.

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        • S


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          Thank you for the fast reply.

          would it be possible to install in Notepad in %Appdata% folder of the current user and the problem should be gone as the current user has full control over the installation. May that work even for updating the software?

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          • PeterJones @Sebastian

            last edited by PeterJones

            @Sebastian ,

            would it be possible to install in Notepad in %Appdata% folder of the current user

            By default, no. %AppData% is for data, not for applications themselves.

            But when installing, you can choose any directory you want – you don’t have to accept the default Program Files location. And if the installer fights you, you can use the portable/zip edition and unzip it wherever you want. (This is how I “install” Notepad++ on my work machine. I have customized my file associations in regedit to point to c:\usr\local\apps\notepad++\notepad++.exe , which is in a folder where I have full write permission without UAC.)

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            • S


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              @PeterJones said in Possible way for User Installation?:

              @Sebastian ,

              would it be possible to install in Notepad in %Appdata% folder of the current user

              By default, no. %AppData% is for data, not for applications themselves.

              But when installing, you can choose any directory you want – you don’t have to accept the default Program Files location. And if the installer fights you, you can use the portable/zip edition and unzip it wherever you want. (This is how I “install” Notepad++ on my work machine. I have customized my file associations in regedit to point to c:\usr\local\apps\notepad++\notepad++.exe , which is in a folder where I have full write permission without UAC.)

              The installer/updater is the key problem. I’ve downloaded the zipped portable version, extracted it into my user folder and tried to update the portable version. When trying to install the latest version it prompts again for Creds. Do you have any idea if there is any possibility that the user may be in control to do the update himself?

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              • A

                Alan Kilborn @Sebastian

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                If you want to update the portable version, can’t you just go out and get a newer portable version, unzip that?

                I mean, okay, you have to copy over some .xml files from the older one to the newer, but…

                What real advantage is there to the installer/updater? Except to doing it without putting any thinking into it, but for my paranoid self I don’t trust installers to not lose old settings. In other words, I’ll put thought/effort into it to protect what I’ve got.

                [Plus, I’ve heard some stuff about N++ installer/updater losing data if you don’t save your files to true disk files and an update is done. I don’t really have facts on that though because I don’t pay close enough attention to some stuff that I don’t do on my own setup. The key part here is that I don’t allow unnamed documents to hang around too long, and I advise other users to do same.]

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                • P

                  PeterJones @Sebastian

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                  @Sebastian said in Possible way for User Installation?:

                  tried to update the portable version

                  Once you invoke the updater, it is trying to do things the installed way, not the portable way. If you don’t want the installer running, don’t use the “update” command.

                  When I want a new version of the portable, it’s easiest to unzip it to a new folder, then do folder renames so that the newer portable ends up in the same directory where my association points. Alternately, you can copy files from one portable folder to another – I know there are other discussions on this forum that talk about what files you need to copy directly, and what files are best to compare an manually merge: search for “portable update” or similar phrasing.

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                  • Possible way for User Installation? (2024)


                    What are the types of installation? ›

                    • Custom installation.
                    • Attended installation.
                    • Silent installation.
                    • Unattended installation.
                    • Headless installation.
                    • Scheduled or automated installation.
                    • Clean installation.
                    • Network installation.

                    How to verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services? ›

                    msc. In the tree, expand Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment. In the details pane, find and double-click “Log on as a service“ If the security setting has not yet been defined, select the Define these policy settings check box.

                    What does install for all users mean? ›

                    In a nutshell... Install For All Users would be used when you want the program to be "active" for anyone who logs on to the computer with their personal account (if there is more than one login). A good example would be an antivirus program, that you would want to be available while any user is logged in.

                    How do you troubleshoot installation errors? ›

                    How can you quickly diagnose software installation issues?
                    1. Check the system requirements.
                    2. Run the installation as an administrator.
                    3. Use a clean boot.
                    4. Check the installation log.
                    5. Use a troubleshooting tool.
                    6. Here's what else to consider.
                    Feb 16, 2024

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                    Apply four installation strategies: direct, parallel, single-location, and phased installation. List the deliverables for documenting the system and for training and supporting users.

                    What is an example of installation? ›

                    Installation is frequently used for appliances and machinery, like the installation of a fountain in your yard or the installation of a fan in your attic to help the house stay cool.

                    What does verify that you have sufficient privileges? ›

                    As the error indicates, the logged in user does not have the correct privileges to install system services. To fix this, you'll need to change the Administrator rights on your machine using these steps: Click on Start and type 'Edit Group Policy' and press Enter.

                    How do I verify user access? ›

                    How Does Access Verification Work
                    1. Authentication. Authentication is the initial step of any typical access verification process that involves verifying the identity of the users seeking access to resources. ...
                    2. Authorization. Authorization comes right after the verification of authentication of the user. ...
                    3. Audit Trails.

                    What does sufficient privileges mean? ›

                    adj able to provide for or support oneself without the help of others.

                    What is per-user installation? ›

                    During a per-user installation, the Windows Installer does not prompt for credentials, and it redirects files and registry entries to per-user locations.

                    What is the difference between system install and user install? ›

                    The difference is that per-user installations are only available to the user that installed them, while system-wide installations are available to all users on the system. System-wide installations can be updated by any user with administrator privileges.

                    What is install everything service? ›

                    The Everything service helps Everything index NTFS volumes and monitor USN Journals. Everything can run as a standard user when the Everything service is installed.

                    How do I fix installation failure? ›

                    1. Make sure that your device has enough space. ...
                    2. Run Windows Update a few times. ...
                    3. Check third-party drivers and download any updates. ...
                    4. Unplug extra hardware. ...
                    5. Check Device Manager for errors. ...
                    6. Remove third-party security software. ...
                    7. Repair hard-drive errors. ...
                    8. Do a clean restart into Windows.

                    What is installation and troubleshooting? ›

                    Installation and Troubleshooting is a systematic approach to problem solving that is often used to find and correct issues with complex machines, electronics, computers and software systems.

                    How do I fix error occurred during installation? ›

                    Restarting the system is one of the simplest ways to resolve the 'An Error Occurred While Preparing the Installation' error. For that, press the power button, and wait for the system to shut down. Wait a moment and press the power button again to turn on the system.

                    What are the three installation types? ›

                    Attended Installation: Requires user input during the process, following prompts and making choices about installation options. Unattended Installation: Runs automatically without user interaction, often used for deploying software on multiple machines. Silent Installation: Similar to unattended but migh.

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                    • Commercial Electrical Installation. Commercial installations are complex and require a lot of work to complete. ...
                    • Residential Electrical Installation. ...
                    • Industrial Electrical Installation. ...
                    • Importance of Electrical Maintenance.

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                    An Operating System is a software program that acts as an interface between the hardware, the application software, and the users. There are five popular operating systems: Apple macOS, Microsoft Windows, Google's Android OS, Linux Operating System, and Apple iOS. according to the technology used: UNIX-based, and.

                    What is installation also called as? ›

                    installation (noun as in establishment, inauguration) Strong matches. accession coronation fitting furnishing inaugural induction installment investiture investment launching ordination positioning.

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